Joker meme creator
Joker meme creator

joker meme creator


  • El Bromas Explanation A meme popular among Spanish-speaking countries that makes fun of Spain's translation of movie titles, a particularly baffling mistake since Spain didn't even translate the title of this one, it has now become a nickname for this particular Joker.
  • joker meme creator

    "YOU GET WHAT YOU FRAGGIN' DESERVE!" Explanation Lobo fans like to replace the Precision F-Strike with one of Lobo's common words.This can be expanded with the preceding lines before: "What do you get, when you cross an A with a B that C and D!? I'll tell you what you get! You get an E!! (with a Precision F-Strike)" "YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKIN' DESERVE!" Explanation Joker's Pre-Mortem One-Liner before shooting Murray Franklin that becomes a rally cry of the rioters one of them shouting it before he kills the Waynes.Arthur's laughing has been dubbed over with laughs of famous characters like Peter Griffin and SpongeBob.The protester with the "WE ARE ALL CLOWNS" sign has been appropriated on Twitter as a meme to mock groups of people that are deemed doing something clownish.It has even gotten to the point where the footage is edited to have Harley Quinn be the driver, not giving one damn about having hit her traditional Domestic Abuser.

    joker meme creator


    The meme gets mutated with the addition of Dennis Reynolds as the driver of the car ( "You dumb bitch.") and Will Smith as a passenger in the backseat happily watching the Joker roll over the roof.Similarly the image of Joker walking down a hallway looking triumphant followed by the image of him getting hit by a car became another popular image labeling template. Joker running from the police and then getting hit by a car, used as an object labeling template.They even have their own Wikipedia article ! Because of the scene, the stairs themselves (located in the Bronx in real life) have become a meme, with people referring to them as "Joker Stairs" and jokingly calling the location a religious destination.When the movie came out, People starting shopping in Peter Parker and company into other scenes of movie, with captions of what "the boys" were doing after/before dancing. After the popularity of the Bully Maguire addition, a meme bounced around various fandom subreddits adding in relevant characters dancing on the steps.A scene of the Joker dancing on a staircase quickly became ripe for meme edits, a bizarre number of which also involved Bully Maguire.Alternatively, editing other characters to be wearing this Joker's makeup * Similar to people editing " DAMAGED" tattoos onto random characters. Captioning any picture of a group of people with "X tickets for Joker please".it's a fucking comedy" is used to overdramatically describe one's own Butt-Monkey status, jokingly indicate a Start of Darkness, or just captioning any picture of a character dressing up like a clown once or twice. The line "I used to think my life was a tragedy.Most notably Flappy Bob, due to similar designs. People are having a field day comparing the Joker to other fictional clown actors." Y'know, we're living in a SOCIETY!" Explanation Many have jokingly compared the movie's story and themes to the infamous scenes in Seinfeld where George Constanza dramatically shouts this over minor inconveniences like someone cutting in line for a payphone.Even better, the trailer for Zack Snyder's Justice League had the Joker literally say the words "We live in a society" verbatim.The meme even garnered new heights when in the film, Arthur does end up saying "in a society", giving the meme ascended status! Helps that it was revealed that Joaquin Phoenix threw in the word "society" when the script originally had him say "in a system".After footage from Venice of Arthur ranting and shooting Franklin - with added Italian subtitles for non-anglophones in the crowd - leaked online, people started pairing his yelling face ◊ with "SOCIETÀ".Whether it's ironic or completely sincere, "We live in a society" jokes and memes (which predate this film, originally using Heath Ledger's Joker from The Dark Knight) surged again after the release of the first trailer.Further mutations and successor memes, if any.The meme]The explanation behind the meme, if necessary] Explanation Like this.Please add entries in the following format: Please add entries in the following format:

    Joker meme creator